How does publishing to job boards from CATS work?
When publishing a job to a free job board from CATS, the job is included in a master "jobs feed" that is sent out to each board that was selected. These job feeds include data regarding the job, such as title, location, description and salary standard fields, which the job boards use to categorize your job and display it properly.
Once a job is included in the feed, job boards will "scrape" the feed for updates. CATS generates a new feed roughly every 6-8 hours. Each job board scrapes for information at different intervals, so we typically recommend waiting 24 hours before attempting to verify if a job board has posted your job. Job boards scrape the feeds for information such as new jobs, new companies attempting to post, updates to older jobs and to see if jobs are no longer in the feed.
If you haven't yet contacted a board to begin posting, or you're seeing that it is taking longer than 24 hours for a job to be posted, you will need to reach out to that job board via the contact form on their website. Most job boards do require you to reach out initially when posting from any ATS, in order to be informed to look for your company. These boards request that you, as the client, reach out to the board individually. CATS has no agreement with job boards that automatically allows posting. You will need to contact these boards in order to initiate posting to them from CATS. You can find a list of the available contact forms for boards below:
Contact Indeed (They also handle Glassdoor, SimpyHired, and Wowjobs requests)
Contact Trovit
You no longer need to contact neuvoo. They will automatically opt your jobs into their organic feed.
If you have any questions about how this process works that aren't answered here, please contact our support team via