Why can't I find my jobs on Indeed or other job boards?
One of the standard features in CATS is the ability to automatically post your jobs to external job boards, both free and paid.
If you have posted to free job boards, please allow up to 24 hours for your jobs to appear.
If your jobs have not posted, check the job publishing history within CATS to make sure it was successfully published. You'll find the publishing history by viewing the job in question, scrolling down to the Publishing section and clicking View History.
Jobs may also not be published because of policies that each job board has in place. Unfortunately, these policies are unique to each job board and CATS has no control over them. If you have any questions about a specific job posting service or wish to get your jobs posted to their board, you would need to contact that service first.
For example, Indeed and Glassdoor will not post jobs from recruitment and staffing agencies for free. They do, however, have paid/sponsorship options available to you. Please note these policies apply to all applicant tracking systems and are not specific to CATS.