Customizing the career portal

Access Level: Site Administrator

Your CATS career portal is your own CATS-hosted job listings page. The portal is used to allow candidates to organically apply for your jobs and can be customized to fit the style and theme of your company website. You can manage the portal design from your "Portals" section of CATS where you can select the portal you wish to customize. There are a couple levels of customization available for the career portal:


The career portal allows for two different images to be uploaded and utilized: a logo and a banner.

The logo for your career portal should be the standard logo for your company. This image is used not only for your career portal but also for any social media posting/sharing that is done with your jobs. We typically recommend as close to a square image as you are able to use along with a clear background so that the banner image can be better utilized.

The banner for your career portal spans the width of the page and is used as a backdrop for the logo. The banner images should be wide enough that the image used isn't blown out. Typically this means a resolution of at least 1280px wide and at least 250px in height. You may need to experiment with the sizes to find what works best with your logo.

To upload an image, just click on "Upload" and select the image you wish to use from your computer.


The options in your 'Jobs Layout' card control how your jobs are grouped, searched, and sorted.

  • Listings - The 'Default' setting will simply show your jobs in a list. Choosing 'Grouped' will allow you to group jobs by a field such as Category, Type, or a custom field. If you're going to use a custom field to group jobs, the 'Type' of field must be either dropdown or radio.

The Default layout is listed above, and the Grouped layout is below.

  •  Sort - This setting lets you sort your jobs by either Date Posted or Date Created, in Ascending or Descending order.
  • Filters - Add dropdown filters for applicants to narrow down the list of jobs. Choosing 'Job Title Search' as one of your filters will enable a search box on the portal. Otherwise, you can pick from the default filters (Location, Type, Category) or a custom field. If you would like to use a custom field, the 'Type' of that field must be either a dropdown, radio, or multiple choice.


CATS also gives you control over the various structural elements on the career portal in terms of colors:

  • Background - The background color for your portal
  • Header Background - The background color for your header
  • Header text - The color for the text displayed on your header: "Jobs at (Company Name)"
  • Text - The color for all normal text on your portal
  • Muted text - The color of text for comments and miscellaneous information
  • Button Background - The background color for your "Apply" and "Submit" buttons
  • Button text - The color for the text that displays on your "Apply" and "Submit" buttons
  • Links - The color for your job listings and any additional links on the portal
  • Notices - The color for any errors or warnings that may appear on the portal

All of these elements can be adjusted by either the color wheel included in the edit process, or by inputting a direct Hex value.

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