Sending text (SMS) messages


Note: Texting (SMS) from CATS is currently only available in the US and Canada.

SMS needs to be turned on individually for each user that wants to utilize this feature. To turn on SMS, go to the Administration > My Profile section of CATS, and click toggle in the top right corner of the Texting (SMS) card. You'll then be prompted to search for an area code that you'd like your assigned number to be listed under.

Sending Texts

Once you have a number selected and saved, you'll be able to send texts to a candidate or contact by clicking on the chat bubble icon that appears next to the mobile number in their record or by clicking the phone icon in the Utility Panel. We recommend following texting best practices when manually and automatically sending texts from CATS. Note: Texts can only be sent to phone numbers that are designated as a "mobile" type.

After clicking on the icon, a window will appear that allows you to text the subject in real time.

To send a text, just type your response in the box at the bottom of the window, and hit enter.

Sending messages as a trigger action

Messages can also be sent automatically as a trigger. When adding a trigger, select the Text Message (SMS) action and select whether the recipient will be the Candidate the status change is regarding or the Contact associated with the Job Order. You can also use tags as placeholders for information that will be populated when the trigger is used. Visit this article for more information about customizing the workflow and using triggers to automate common actions.

Using Templates

You can also load and save templates to use for future conversations by clicking on the template icon in your chat window. 

After clicking Add Template, type or paste your template into the editor:

To use a template, click the template icon in your chat window and select your template:

Texts are restricted to a 250 character limit for outgoing texts and templates, but have no limit for incoming texts.

Logging text activity

All text activity is saved under the "Activity" section of each record's profile. Incoming texts are shown with a mobile phone icon, while outgoing texts are shown with the same icon and a blue "outgoing" arrow. You can also view your most recent texting conversations by clicking on the phone icon in the upper right-hand corner of CATS.

CATS will also send you an email if a text message has gone unread for more than 10 minutes in your account. You can toggle this on or off from your "My Profile" section.

Every CATS account is given 100 outgoing texts per user per month, with all users sharing the same pool of texts.  Incoming texts do not use up your pool of texts. If you need to get more texts before the beginning of the next month, you can click on the "Buy More" link to purchase more at a rate of $10 per 200 texts.

Opting out

Recipients of SMS messages sent from your CATS account can choose to opt out of receiving future messages by replying with any of the following:
Recipients can also opt back in by sending START to the CATS SMS number.
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